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For Animals
Creating Homes for Animals in Need
Together for our Furry Friends

The animal protection association Ein Herz für Fellnasen in Not e.V. was founded in 2013, and all of its members volunteer their time to help many animals in need. In close cooperation with its partner shelter Help Labus in Galati, Romania, the association supports over 1,400 animals, most of whom were rescued from the streets or saved from kill shelters. Among them are many abused animals and puppies, often discarded like trash. The shelter fights daily for the survival of these animals, despite receiving no government support. The monthly feeding costs alone amount to over 20,000 euros. In addition to veterinary expenses, the shelter regularly needs to repair or renew animal accommodations and infrastructure. Where financially possible, the association also carries out neutering projects to help reduce the suffering of animals in the long term.

Ein Herz für Fellnasen in Not e.V. Website URL Partner
2025 - 2025
1475 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Helping Kids in Kenia
School for Orphaned Children

Valarie Chao was a teacher with heart and soul and retired after 35 years of service. However, the sprightly pensioner still dreamed of a school for orphans, who should also have the chance of a good education. So she decided to set up such a school. Today, more and more adults are coming and asking for their children to be admitted. Most of them have children in their care who have lost one or both parents and therefore have no one to pay the school fees! After the death of Valarie Chao, the granddaughter (Valarie) of the deceased spontaneously agreed to continue the school. With the recognition of the association as a non-profit organization in 2017, people from all over the world can now help this school and the children. All donations flow 100% into the school project. This covers the renovation costs and pays the teachers. 

Go4kids Kenia e.V. Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1850 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Supporting our Four-Legged Friends
Sanctuary for Dogs and Cats

Quadrupedes is an animal welfare association founded in 2005. Over the years, it has developed into a pure sanctuary for old, sick, disabled or abused dogs and cats. Quadrupedes currently cares for 16 dogs and 6 cats. These animals come from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and the Ukraine. Blind, deaf, heart-sick, three-legged dogs and even a two-legged bitch have found a new home here. Most of the cats are very shy due to the abuse they have suffered. Sometimes Quadrupedes also acts as a hospice when animals are taken in that only have a short time left to live. The dogs roam freely in the house and garden, while the cats have a large cat room in the attic, which offers a secure run into the outbuilding. The sanctuary is also the home of the founders, who look after the animals 24/7. This commitment has become their life's work. Each animal is cared for, loved and cuddled according to its needs.

Verein Quadrupedes Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1415 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Social Consciousness and Law Change for Animals
Recognizing Animal's Rights, Socially and Legally

The National Animal Rights Association is a voluntary animal rights group based in Dublin, Ireland. „NARA“ acts for a world where animals are free from use, abuse, and exploitation. To help achieve this, they have many ongoing campaigns, spreading awareness through information stalls and demonstrations, inviting the society to look behind the scenes, creating connections between our daily choices and the with it created outcome for animals. NARA also works to achieve legislative change, both on a council and national level. Their most successful campaign to date was the ban on fur farming in Ireland, and they are now working to ban hare coursing, which is a bloodsport still legal in Ireland. Investigating the pig industry in Ireland by filming inside pig farms resulted in a huge amount of media coverage and support from the society and politicians. The horrible footage inside the pig farms resulted into NARA’s first major campaign to tackle animal agriculture.

National Animal Rights Association Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
755 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Circumstances Beyond Control
Providing Life Quality for Elders in Need

The FUNDACION GERONTOLOGICA MI SEGUNDO HOGAR, is a non-profit organization, established in 2005, in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. Currently this institution houses 42 elderly people, who due to circumstances beyond their control lack the economic resources to meet their basic needs. This situation has led the organization to commit themselves with dedication, day by day, to provide quality treatment to the grandparents and thus achieve their physical and mental well-being. 100% of the donated amount will be used to support the seniors, providing a better quality of life, making them feel, as if they were in their own homes. Day by day the challenges increase, but with help, the organization can continue to provide food, care and love to the elderly. It is important to continue being part of the change, building transformations full of smiles and love for others.

Fundación Gerontologica Mi Segundo Hogar Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1491 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Workshops, Active Projects and Exchange
Together Creating a Future for All

ZuZule is a non-profit organization in Aichwald/Esslingen near Stuttgart. It was founded by Conny Mangold and Sven Teufel in March 2023, after the two had already been wholeheartedly committed to a wide range of issues relating to environmental protection, animal rights and humanity for over 10 years. ZuZule (living the future together) is about shaping a future worth living that takes into account the needs of nature and all living beings. To this end, events and workshops are held and spaces for exchange are created in which everyday tips on nutrition, animal love, waste avoidance, recycling, upcycling, mindfulness & consumer awareness, second-hand & clothes swaps are offered. At the same time, projects are also implemented that invite people to be active, such as clean up campaigns. ZuZule clearly shows that everyone can contribute to a better world with their everyday actions, because together we can achieve so much more. 

ZuZule - Zusammen Zukunft leben Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1032 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Plant a Tree, Plant a Life
Protect, Promoting and Restore - Sustainable Land Management

Treescape Planet Organization promotes sustainable development through environmental conservation in Uganda. This organization is focused on afforestation, agroforestry, and re-afforestation to combat deforestation and protect biodiversity. Their projects, like Greening Nakaseke and Inclusive Tree Planting, engage schools and local communities in tree planting and environmental education. Treescape Planet also works on partnerships and funding to support their efforts and ensure lasting impact. By fostering environmental responsibility, Treescape Planet aims to build resilience against the global changes in our environment and so contribute to a sustainable future. The organization’s belief is, that trees are mother earth’s way of showering us with love and beauty, teaching us how important it is to be self-sustainable. Since 2020 Treescape planted over 5.370 trees in Uganda together with schools and local farmers to bring environmental, social and economic benefits to their communities. 

Treescape Planet Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1135 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Different Species - One Caring Community
A Safe Heaven for Old, Abandoned and Abused Animals

“Different species - one caring community” - this is the Vrouva Farm in Aegina, Greece. A non-profit organization that serves as a sanctuary for abandoned and mistreated animals. A home for all kinds of animals and for some volunteers. It survives thanks to an international community of dedicated animal lovers. Today, the farm is home to over 100 animals, some of which have been abandoned, mistreated or simply could not be cared for by their owners due to lack of funds. For the few animals that can be adopted, efforts are made to find new families, while the others now live out their happy lives on the farm. The guiding principles on the farm are: Ecology, non-violence, veganism and the many lessons we are allowed to learn from the animals every day. Raising awareness of speciesism, animal rights and our diet are some of the most important issues of our time. 

Vrouva Farm Animal Sanctuary Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1341 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Care for Cats with Disabilities
A Home for the Vulnerable Ones

Again and again, seriously injured, pregnant or unwanted cats, kittens without moms and without owners come to the "Schutzengeldorf für beeinträchtigte Katzen" (guardian angel village for disabled cats). This association has made it its mission to give these little souls the same treatment and love that all animals deserve. As more and more cats needed help, a home was built for them. A safe, protected place where they receive the best medical care, professional attention and love, with no ifs or buts. The construction of the shelter village for disabled cats began in 2015. 
This private animal welfare association, as well as the volunteers around the shelter village, rely on donations from animal-loving people. Without financial support, hardly any furry friends could be helped, as the monthly fixed costs are enormous. Every cent helps and is an active contribution to animal welfare.  

Schutzengeldorf der behinderten Katzen Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1361 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Protecting Africa's Wildlife and Nature for Future Generations
Tackling Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade

Wildhood Foundation is a Swedish non profit organization dedicated to protecting Africa’s wildlife and nature for future generations. By preserving large areas of wilderness with rich biodiversity through tackling poaching, illegal wildlife trade and illegal logging thousands of species of wildlife, trees and plants are being protected. Wildhood's holistic approach to conservation includes partnering and working together with local communities to empower female rangers and local leaders. Wildhood funds the training and deployment of rangers, provides essential equipment and supports education for kids in local communities surrounding the wildlife areas. Wildhood also work to preserve natural habitats and promote sustainable community development to reduce human-wildlife conflict. 

Wildhood Foundation Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1157 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
The Circular Roadshow
Driving Coastal Communities Towards a Circular Future

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn." – Benjamin Franklin - The Circular Roadshow brings this wisdom to life. Housed in a repurposed school bus, it’s a mobile classroom tackling ocean plastic pollution by delivering hands-on recycling education to rural communities. Students actively transform collected ocean plastic into useful products using small-scale machines, gaining a deeper understanding of sustainability and the power of conscious choices. After 500 successful workshops in Hong Kong, the program is now launching in the Philippines, starting on Mindoro Island. Known as the "Emerald Isle of the Philippines," this biodiverse region faces growing threats from plastic waste. Partnering with the Koma Karanth Foundation, Ocean Material, and SANUSPLANET, the program aims to visit 100 schools, engage 10,000 students, and inspire over 1 million people in its first two years. Be part of the change!

Koma Karanth Foundation Limited Website URL Partner
2024 - 2025
2880 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Education in Coral Propagation
Outreach to Save the Coral Reefs

In 2024, global warming took its toll on corals worldwide. It is necessary to increase countermeasure activities through multiplication of educational activities especially in coral restoration. Anuar Abdullah, founder of Ocean Quest Global, creates programs that aim to teach as many people as possible in the coastal communities on coral propagation and preparing them for environmental emergency. The human capital available on every tropical coastline must be utilized if the world wants to offset the destruction of reefs globally. Training on ethical practices for enterprises that rely on coral reefs like island resorts, tourism agencies, marine national parks, and diving centers must also run concurrently with the rehabilitation. This includes pollution control, reducing over-diving impact, and ending environmental damage they continually inflicted of corals. This holistic approach is now necessary as the rate of devastation rises. 

Pangkilatan, Batangas
Ocean Quest Global Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1175 Eur
Donation amount
For People
School Materials for Kids in Musima
Supporting Accessible Education for Anyone

The Green Hill Community School started as a non profit organization in 2017. The purpose of this organization is to provide affordable education to the children of semi and rural communities from underprivileged families. Children in the age of 3 to 13 years receive basic education, food and accomodation in temporary structures. We believe in education to be an essential human right for everyone, yet many of the children lack the even essential requirements such as books or pens. No child should be left out of the opportunity to learn and grow their skills. The organization's challenges are covering all costs for food, books, accomodation, teacher's salaries and the costs to pick up those children, who live further away. To provide these needs, the Green Hill Community School is very thankful for any support! 

Green Hill Community School Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1307 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
No Trash but Treasure
1 Billion Plastic Pirates by 2030

Captain Fanplastic raises environmental literacy amongst youth globally through experiential education; that drives behavioural change in order to connect children more to their environment, prevent plastic pollution and manage waste better. This organization turns youth into friendly pirates who believe that waste is #NoTrashButTreasure. This September Captain Fanplastic is turning into #TheOceanStartsHere Month. No matter where we humans live, we are all connected to the ocean, through water or wind. The big goal of Captain Fanplastic is to raise $10,000 to provide 20 under-resourced schools and 2,000 learners in South Africa with access to environmental literacy via the Captain’s Challenge Do-It-Yourself Boxes. These boxes include exciting literacy for young pirates and cleanup materials to inspire conscious action through storytelling and gamified cleanups. 

Cape Town / Western Cape
South Africa
Captain Fanplastic Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1471 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Supporting People, Wildlife and Nature in Amboseli
Plant-Based Meals for Maasai Community While Kids Learn Planting Trees

Amboseli Community and Wildlife Welfare help marginalized communities through behavioral change, education and community engagement. Their aim is to address key challenges including education disparities, food security and climate change impacts. This NGO created a new campaign to support the vulnerable community, a family of 120 people, who live as brothers and sisters in one village. A 50€ donation can feed one family for a week, while one tree will be planted by the kids of this family. It is the job of the kids to take care for this tree and help it grow. Like this, these kids grow with taking responsibility for nature, creating a better tomorrow and a healthy ecosystem. Local women depend on their traditional souvenir markets, who many times don’t get enough money to feed their kids. Health crisis, hunger and starvation is a common thread. Every cent donated to this project will benefit the families in need and funds plant-based meals, so they don’t depend on the killing of their animals.

Amboseli Community And Wildlife Welfare Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1208 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Education for Girls
Supporting Girl's Rights for Education

HELP is an organization in Bamkia-ay Kumbo in the North West Region of Cameroon, Central Africa. This organization works in four fundamental areas of human rights: first, it gives hope and a reason to women and men to look at the positive side of life despite lots of negative energies around. Second, it works to educate the girl child whose plight has not been considered in the community. The education of the girl child is an invaluable investment in the future of each community, an indirect empowerment and education of the whole community. HELP also promotes values of love for humanity and our home, planet earth. A part of HOPE is the promotion of agriculturally based practices that enrich the soil and assisting poor farmers to cultivate their own organic foods. HOPE also promotes practices that show love for our planet by teaching practices like planting trees and also sensitize on the non use of plastics which is really a huge threat to the cleanliness of the rivers and the soil.

Bamkia-ay Kumbo
HELP - Hope for Education and Love for the Planet Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1607 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Research, Protection and Recovery of Marine Life
Protecting Endangered Seahorses

Oceans Alive Conservation Trust is a global conservation and public benefit organization dedicated protecting our oceans and our coastal environments. Providing strategic guidance and managed project funding encourage and support scientific research, ocean wildlife conservation and recovery, clean-up programmes, community awareness programmes, social upliftment programmes and education. This helps to change attitudes and ensure informed decision and policy making processes which lead to effective ocean action, positive conservation and wildlife protection outcomes. Our vision is for healthy, protected and pollution free rivers and oceans, coastal environments and marine wildlife.  Community awareness, social upliftment and education is essential to enable people to understand, respect, value and participate in the wonder and diversity of nature and our oceans and all life on earth. The financial support from SANUSPLANET will be used to protect the Knysna seahorse, endemic to the south coast of South Africa. This seahorse is at great risk of extinction and it is a IUCN Red Listed „Critically Endangered Species“.

South Africa
Oceans Alive Conservation Trust Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1076 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Helping Animals on rumanians streets
Rescue and support for our four-legged friends

The organization Asociata "AMY" in Romania was founded to prevent the killing of innocent four-legged souls. Once a year, dogs in the municipal animal shelter are euthanized because otherwise, they would become long-term residents. AMY takes over and rehomes these animals. In addition, they rescue injured, tortured, and weak stray dogs. The organization’s work also includes veterinary visits, caring for 150 AMY dogs and about 50 stray dogs, liaising with authorities, educational activities, rescue operations, and much more. Furthermore, a member collaborates with an ornithologist to rescue birds on site. AMY’s goal is to prevent suffering, hunger, thirst, abuse, and killing, and to promote appropriate animal welfare. Holistically, they aim for the reconciliation of humans, animals, and nature.

Sfantu Gheorghe
Asociata "Amy" Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1446 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Supporting Female Entrepreneurship
Fostering Entrepreneurial Skills for Economic Indipendence

The non-profit organization Skills Rwenzori Centrum Limited has been dedicated since 2019 to address child marriage, young motherhood, and poverty in Uganda’s Rwenzori region. Their tireless commitment to these topics is reflected in their comprehensive approach, which includes vocational training, education, and community support. Through initiatives such as weaving, creating plastic mosaics, sewing, and crocheting, the Skills Rwenzori Centrum provides young mothers and school dropouts with practical skills that not only offer an alternative source of income but also pave the way to break the cycle of poverty within their families. As poverty in families is reduced, parents can also afford to finance their children's education. Additionally, the products made from natural materials, such as banana leaves, contribute to reducing plastic waste and raise awareness about this issue.

Skills Centrum Rwenzori Limited Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1035 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Sri Lanka Moves Green
Agroecology and Community Based Tourism

The Green Movement Sri Lanka is dedicated to fostering a sustainable relationship between nature and humans. Nature is an integral part of our lives and it is essential to give back to the Earth. Harmonizing nature with communities is not an easy task today. It needs practical solutions that ensure the balanced between nature and communities. Working with nature instead of against it will change the world. 
The GMSL is a trusted bridge between local communities and nature conservation efforts, that is mainly based on volunteer work. 
The aim is to help people live in harmony with nature and develop innovative ways to protect and preserve the environment. This happens by empowering communities with knowledge of sustainable practices like agroforestry, permaculture, natural farming, and eco-tourism, foster environmental awareness and provide practical solutions so the communities can take an active role in preserving their surroundings.

Sri Lanka
Green Movement Sri Lanka Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1047 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Supporting Children and Families in Senegal
Medical Facilities, Food Distribution and Education

ODV TERANGA is a voluntary association with its main activity in Senegal. The focus is to support children, especially street children, women and families. To this end, the association organizes food distribution, support for medical facilities and help for leisure and sports facilities in and around Dakar. Various sports clubs from South Tyrol (e.g. the SG-Schlern football club) also support the club as partners. The aim of the association is based on the principle of helping people help themselves. President Aissatou Marie Jeanne was born in Dakar. She speaks French and Wolof, one of the most widely spoken languages, and knows the country's culture very well and is therefore also aware of the challenges faced by the population. The health of children, as well as learning to write and read, are matters of the heart that ODV TERANGA takes on.

2024 - 2024
3000 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Removing Ghost Nets
Protect Oceans and Wildlife from Lost Fishing Equipment

An estimated 640,000 tonnes of fishing equipment is lost in the world's oceans every year, most of it fishing nets. In the Baltic Sea alone, around 10,000 nets are lost every year, putting a strain on the sensitive ecosystem. Ghost Diving Germany e.V. recovers these lost fishing nets, fish traps, lobster pots and other fishing gear, primarily in the North and Baltic Seas but also in the Mediterranean, as part of large-scale international projects. In this way, the association is reducing the future burden of microplastics on the marine ecosystem when the nets have decomposed in many hundreds of years. They also prevent fish and other animals from getting tangled in the nets underwater and dying senselessly there. GDG consists of many dedicated volunteer tech divers who dive for and recover the nets free of charge in their free time. At the same time, there are educational projects in schools, at trade fairs and events to draw attention to these problems.

North and east sea
Ghost Diving Germany e.V. Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1000 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Animal Sanctuary Dalton
Peaceful and Protected Home for People and Animals

Indraloka (“heaven for the gods” in Sanskrit) provides a peaceful sanctuary for people and animals, the opportunity to heal, learn, grow and play as we reconnect with nature, rescued farm animals and ourselves. Indraloka empowers and educates the community to build resilience, spread kindness, create hope, inspire curiosity and show compassion. A place where people and animals forge a bond of understanding and the landscape becomes a canvas on which narratives of trauma are rewritten into stories of healing. Indraloka was founded in 2005 by Indra Lahiri and moved from its original location to a nearly 100-acre site in Dalton, Pennsylvania in the spring of 2020. Indraloka rescues the world's most endangered animals - farm animals that are abused, neglected or hoarded - and provides them with lifelong care.

Indraloka Animal Sanctuary Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
500 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Solution-Oriented Networking
A Platform for Pioneers Creating the New World Together

The solution-oriented networking portal LIVING EARTH is based on the “Manifest der Neuen Erde”, a holistic vision of an earth where all life is valued, nature is regenerated and people live in harmony with natural laws and natural cycles. This is where people come together to work together on this future. The interactive map helps pioneers network and exchange messages. The pioneers also have the opportunity to present their sustainable projects and events and find participants. Every month, LIVING EARTH is dedicated to a specific topic that inspires people to implement practical tips in everyday life. Community calls, master classes, academy courses and events on the topics of awareness, renaturation, sustainability, healing and potential development inspire change. At LIVING EARTH, an extensive archive will also be created with effective, practical solutions for all areas of life in order to shape the New Living Earth!

Verein Living Earth Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
500 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Aqua Bloom Uganda
Protecting Life Under Water at Lake Victoria

Vegan Planet Africa is dedicated to promoting animal rights combined with a plant-based diet throughout Uganda. Young volunteers do outreach work through their education program, especially in schools. Through workshops, campaigns and partnerships, they raise awareness of the benefits of a vegan lifestyle for health, the environment and animal welfare. The aim is to lead the plant-based movement in Africa and inspire people to make choices that benefit themselves and the world around them. For the project "ABU" (Aqua Bloom Uganda), marine life is protected through research and sustainable practices, while at the same time creating benefits for the population. Overfishing and littering of the oceans and lakes make it clear that fishermen need alternatives. Only by working together is it possible to create such alternatives and this is exactly where ABU comes in. SANUSPLANET is supporting precisely this project with a donation of €2,000 to work on alternative options.

Vegan Planet Africa Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
2000 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Protecting Street Animals in Greece
Help for Animals with Disabilities

S.C.A.R.S was founded years ago by passionate animal welfare activists in Greece and is primarily concerned with disabled animals - needy pets that do not survive on the streets. Unfortunately, there are hardly any animal shelters in Greece; everything is essentially based on individual initiative. S.C.A.R.S. looks after 800 - 1000 cats every day in various sheltered cat colonies on the streets. The dog shelters are run by local authorities, but not to the standards we are familiar with in Germany, for example. The only long-term solution to reduce the suffering of the animals is castration/sterilization, and this is the main concern of S.C.A.R.S. In cooperation with various reputable animal welfare groups, help is provided especially in times of crisis, when forest fires rage, flood disasters, earthquakes, etc. are important. Our donation goes 100% to the animals.

2024 - 2024
3500 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Help for People in Ethiopia
Construction of Water Wells and Schools

SANUSLIFE has been supporting the Fondazione Butterfly since 2016. With the donated money, five drinking water wells were built in various regions of Ethiopia by 2020, several dry wells were renovated, two schools with rainwater collection systems and water tanks as well as several equipped classrooms were built. Millions of people around the world have no access to clean drinking water. The cooperation with the Italian foundation “Fondazione Butterfly onlus” is therefore particularly close to our hearts. Hundreds of families in Oddarena, Eso, Adonago, Kokhit, Haryayato, Gamada and Meday are already benefiting from this support. Twenty years of civil war and the violent conflict in the Tigray region in recent years have cost the lives of several hundred thousand people. Added to this are the social and economic crisis, extreme poverty and the destruction of the physical infrastructure. The war is now over, but support is still needed. 

Oddarena, Eso, Adonago, Haryayato, Kokhit, Gamada, Meday
Fondazione Butterfly Onlus Website URL Partner
243654 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Dog Rescue from Chinas Dog Meat Farms
Rehabilitation and Transformation of Trauma

Every year, many millions of dogs and cats of all shapes and sizes are brutally slaughtered in the illegal meat trade, many still wearing their collars, tortured and subjected to surreal torment as they wait to be killed and put on plates piece by piece. “DORIS WAS NOT MEAT” was founded to support verified and independent dog rescuers and to help eliminate dog abuse and the meat trade. With this donation we help to provide medical care, food and shelter after the dogs have been rescued. What makes DORIS WAS NOT MEAT so incredibly unique is that dogs are allowed to undergo rehabilitation with specialized training to then serve as valuable companions for people in need. Founder Chiara rescued the dog DORIS from China's meat market, who ended up helping her get through difficult times.

4000 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Malawi Future Prospekts
Repair of Water Pump for Drinking Water and Reforestation

The association tree4tree aims to plant one million trees around the world through meaningful reforestation projects. Our donation supports the “Malawi Future Prospekts” project in the village of Mchitanjiru, south of the capital Lilongwe, which has not received any government measures to improve its infrastructure. In order to improve the local situation, a well was first drilled very centrally, which not only gave people access to water, but also allowed some areas to be reforested. Thanks to access to clean drinking water, the cholera outbreaks of the past have now been prevented. Significantly fewer children and adults are suffering from infectious diseases, meaning that there has been a significant increase in the number of children from the region attending school. As the centrifugal pump kept breaking down, our donation of €2,000 was used to pay for a lever pump. We are already looking forward to further reforestation around Mchitanjiru.

2000 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Protection of Manta Rays
Adoption of Manta Rays to Support their Protection

Tim Noack, founder of the association MANTAHARI Oceancare, has been campaigning for the protection of the oceans for years. Manta rays in particular have made Tim rethink his approach, as he has observed how manta rays filter plankton from the sea while also ingesting microplastics while diving. This touched him deeply and led to the creation of a sustainable fashion brand with a major financial impact for environmental protection in Indonesia: MANTAHARI. At the same time, Tim founded the association MANTAHARI Oceancare, which receives half of his brand's profits to protect the oceans. Our donation supports the protection of manta rays in Indonesia, which will improve research into the behavior of manta rays to ensure their protection. For this donation, we symbolically became sponsors of 3 manta rays: Joel, Nicky and Lucky. As soon as one of these 3 manta rays is spotted, we will of course let you know.

MANTAHARI Oceancare e.V. Website URL Partner
2500 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Animal Sanctuary in Italy
A Home for 300 Animals

The “Progetto Cuori Liberi” sanctuary in Sairano, Italy, cares for 300 animals, cows, ducks, chickens, sheep, goats, pigs and tortoises. On September 20, the authorities euthanized 9 healthy pigs on the farm to prevent the spread of African swine fever. This virus is not dangerous to humans and cannot be transmitted by humans. However, to be on the safe side, the 9 pigs lived in isolation and were in perfect health. Despite their health, they were killed by the authorities. Activists peacefully stood in front of the animals to protect them and were seriously injured by the police. Some ended up in hospital, others in prison. Half of the life farm was badly devastated. To help with the reconstruction, we set up a fundraising campaign at the Merano Vegan Festival, which resulted in €500 being transferred to Progetto Cuori Liberi.

Progetto Cuori Liberi Website URL Partner
2023 - 2023
500 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Education is the Key
School Fees for 50 Girls in Cameroon

The organization Love Union has been active in Cameroon since 2016 and provides humanitarian aid for many people in need as well as projects to protect nature and biodiversity. A world with better living conditions for all and a more favorable environment for all people are the cornerstones of Love Union. Cameroon has been at war for years, as a result of which schools have been closed and burned down. Girls have been abducted and killed, leading to an increasing number of teenage pregnancies and girls out of school. For many girls, the situation is desperate and they often end up in the world of drugs and prostitution. Due to extreme poverty, child labor is no exception. SANUSPLANET has been offering 50 girls from 7 different communities of primary and secondary school age the opportunity to receive an education since 2021. These school fees are covered until the 50 girls have completed their schooling.

25750 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Protecting Orangutans
Release and Rescue Center for the Animals

Julia Cissewski and other scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig founded the association Orang-Utans in Not e.V. in 2007. During field research in Tanjung Puting National Park on Borneo and by visiting an orangutan sanctuary in Pasir Panjang, they witnessed the catastrophic destruction of the rainforest. Shocked by the suffering of the orangutans, they decided to protect the last free-living orangutans and their habitat. 1,000 of our donation was used for the printing of the 2022 annual calendar and €500 for the printing of the 2023 annual calendar. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this calendar will go to the sanctuary and the reintroduction projects. The remaining €2,000 is a direct donation to the association, part of which will be used for the sanctuary and part of which will help the German-based association to carry out educational work in German schools.

Orang-Utans in Not e.V. Website URL Partner
4500 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Meran Vegan
A Festival for Animal and Nature Rights

In September 2023, the second “Meran Vegan” festival took place in South Tyrol. This festival is organized by South Tyrolean activists to raise awareness of the benefits of plant-based cuisine and a vegan lifestyle. In the spirit of animal and environmental protection, there are not only great market stalls, delicious dishes and cool music, but also a space for exchange and information. Many activists will be giving interesting talks to educate the audience about the need to protect animals and the environment. SANUSPLANET will also be there live and Maggy will talk about how important it is to get to know the background of products better before we pay for their production. Many products are responsible for massive suffering in the animal world. As consumers, we can avoid this, but to do so we need to learn about the connections.

Jugenddienst Meran Website URL Partner
500 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Borehole for Maasai Community
Water for Self Sufficiency

4.3 million Kenyans are currently affected by hunger. The droughts around the world are getting longer and longer every year and are becoming more and more intense due to rising temperatures. Every week we hear from Maggy's contacts that thousands of people are dying of hunger and thirst in Kenya alone. 2.5 million animals died during the last drought alone. Maasai Patrick Oloomali Kotonto has been working for years on his permaculture garden, which he uses to grow food for his community. What he needs for this is water. Only with water can vegetables grow in Patrick's garden and in other gardens, grass grow for the animals and the hunger and thirst of the people be quenched. We are very grateful that, with the help of the entire SANUSLIFE community, a well has been built for Patrick's Maasai community. Water is a basic right. Thank you to all supporters.

21000 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Protecting African animals from poaching
Protecting wilderness areas by involving the local community

Founded in 2009, Akashinga (formerly known as the IAPF - International Anti-Poaching Foundation), led by Damien Mander, has transformed a usually adversarial approach to conservation into an innovative, empowering and gender-sensitive model for wildlife and habitat protection. Damien's life change from Australian Special Forces sniper to vegan activist shows how much we humans can change our lives if we care enough about a cause. The emotional encounter with African wildlife has changed Damien's heart. Endangered elephants and rhinos have long been poached, mainly for their horn and ivory, which fetch large sums of money on the black market. The rangers of Akashinga in particular protect what is left and risk their lives for the wild animals. True heroes of our time. Damien mainly trains women to become rangers. His statement: “Women transform conservation”.

6500 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Support for a School in Gambia
School Meals and School Desks

Helping people to help themselves: that is Bettina Schmidt's motto. She founded the “Future for Gambia” association after falling in love with the country and the Gambians. Around 1,300 people live in Keneba, who travel long distances every day to supply their families with water. The lack of water also prevents the cultivation of vegetables. Hunger in Keneba is high and there are few jobs. That is why Bettina is helping people to grow their own crops by installing water towers with solar-powered pumps and giving them access to education. The pandemic has hit those countries particularly hard where people are already living in poor conditions. Our donation made a modest contribution to urgent aid in an emergency situation and we would like to live up to the name “Future for Gambia” and continue to support it in the future.

The Gambia
Zukunft für Gambia Website URL Partner
2500 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Saving and Protecting Elephants
A Feel-Good Paradise for Animals in Thailand

The story of the Asian elephant is a story of struggle and survival. The Save Elephant Foundation has been at the forefront of elephant conservation in Asia for over two decades. Whether as a tourist attraction for elephant riding programs, in the logging industry or as a source of ivory, elephants are in demand. The Save Elephant Foundation's multi-faceted approach includes the rescue and rehabilitation of elephants and many other animals in need, education through sustainable ecotourism, protection of the natural environment and support for local communities. At the Elephant Nature Park, thousands of dogs, cats, water buffalo, pigs, elephants and other animals are cared for and finally allowed to live a safe life, often after years of being exploited by humans. Our support contributes a small part of the costs for food and medical help for hundreds of elephants in the Elephant Nature Park. 

Chiang Mai
Save Elephant Foundation Website URL Partner
9500 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Ocean Conservation in Bali
Artificial Coral Reef

Christian Redl is a multiple world record holder in freediving/apnoea. Because he is so grateful to the ocean for the way he is able to live his life, he now wants to give something back. 7Oceans is Christian's organization to draw attention to the 7 main problems of the ocean. These include shark finning, the plastic problem, coral bleaching, overfishing, ghost nets, the immense amount of shipwrecks on the seabed and oil drilling. 7Oceans is working on various projects to make these issues visible. Christian is currently working with Reef Village to build a new artificial coral reef off the coast of Bali. Where there was no longer a reef, there will soon be a new one. And this is exactly where SANUSPLANET supports with your help, because coral reefs mean biodiversity, are an important basis for the survival of fish stocks, and they also bind carbon dioxide and protect coastal cities.

2300 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Animal Rights in Nepal
Education for a Plant-Based Diet with Documentary Screenings

The Animal Rights Club (ARC) was founded in 2012 with the main aim of reducing traditional animal sacrifice. However, it is also committed to the rescue of stray animals, the welfare of captive elephants, wildlife conservation, environmental protection and especially the promotion of veganism in the community, all with many volunteers. To promote animal justice and a plant-based diet in the community, ARC is organizing documentary screenings of the film “Maa Ka Doodh - Uncovering a Nation's Disaster” at various locations in Chitwan, including discussions on the untold stories behind the success of India's White Revolution - the world's largest dairy production campaign. The consumption of dairy products in India has a huge negative impact on ethical, cultural, environmental, religious, economic and political issues. Our donation will help organize these events to raise awareness about animal rights.

ARC - Animal Rights Club Nepal Website URL Partner
2200 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Bee Protection
Tree Hollows for Wild Honey Bees

The wild honey bee is almost extinct in the Swiss countryside. At the same time, honey bees are intensively kept by beekeepers as livestock for honey production. Freethebees is therefore the only independent Swiss organization that advocates for wild honey bees, trains beekeepers in natural beekeeping, creates natural habitats and documents and researches bees. A unique project, for example, is the Freethebees tree hollow project: by creating around 300 tree hollows, the ecological infrastructure of the Swiss forest for honey bees and many other tree hollow-dwelling species is supplemented. Freethebees thus contributes to more biodiversity and nature conservation. The aim of our donation is to increase the number of usable tree holes as quickly as possible to ensure the protection of many species and communities of endangered species. The average cost of creating a tree cavity and its long-term maintenance is €3,000.

2022 - 2022
3000 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Sanctuary in Switzerland
Food Support for the Animals

HOF NARR is a sanctuary in Egg/Switzerland that has taken in over 100 animals on its farm, saved them from death and placed them under “fool protection”. At the same time, HOF NARR supports many other farms in the TransFARMation process and thus inspires a grandchild-friendly approach to the basis of life. Under the motto: “With hand, heart and mind for our future”, organic food is grown on this living farm and guided tours are offered where visitors can get to know the lovable personalities of each individual animal on the farm. The impact of public relations work on life farms is unique, as animal welfare is no longer just theory, but is realized and experienced in practice. Donations to HOF NARR are used 100% to fulfill the purpose of the association.

Verein Hof Narr Website URL Partner
2022 - 2022
1000 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Borehole for Uganda
Water for Orphanage and the Community

Jemoh Children's Support Organization is an Ugandan association that works to improve the lives of orphans. Its founder, James, knows from personal experience how difficult it can be for orphans to build a positive future, because he has experienced it himself. Because he was supported by a family at the time, he was able to attend school, receive an education and build a future for himself. Because James knows what this help means, he has set himself the goal of giving other orphans access to education, food and a better life. To support him in his endeavor, SANUSPLANET has provided the financial means to build a well. This supplies the entire community with clean water and also enables the children to create sustainable garden projects and learn how to grow food.

9500 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Protection of the Coral Reef
Educational Work and Coral Rehabilitation

Many people do not realize how important corals are for an intact marine ecosystem. They provide shelter and food for many marine animals that cannot survive without them. Coral reefs are unique, self-sustaining ecosystems that play a crucial role in the tropical marine environment through their contribution to the food chain, their ability to form reefs and their important role in the carbon cycle. The protection and restoration of coral reefs through Ocean Quest Global's scientifically proven methodology is based on a cost-effective and easy-to-implement method. This plays an important role because it gives many people the opportunity to participate in the planting of coral reefs. With the support of the SANUSPLANET Foundation, a small motorboat was purchased to help founder Anuar and his team restore destroyed coral reefs in various areas of Malaysia, create new ones and at the same time ensure the protection of these reefs through patrols.

Ocean Quest Global Website URL Partner
2021 - 2024
4500 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Ocean Protection in Hong Kong
New Fishing Laws and a Stop to Illegal Fishing

OceansAsia has made it its mission to expose illegal fishing and crimes against wild animals and plants. Marine ecosystems are being destroyed and polluted. This is exactly where OceansAsia and its founder Gary Stokes invest and act to bring those responsible to justice. Our donation will help fund IUU campaigns to patrol and document the southern waters of Hong Kong. The results will be passed on to the Hong Kong Marine Police so that new fishing laws can be passed. It is particularly important to prevent fishing methods using fish traps and snake nets, as these take all life on the seabed with them. Our donation will fund this operation for 2 months. OceansAsia is also committed to changing the waste problem in Hong Kong and regularly organizes beach clean-ups with volunteers. These are all projects that we at SANUSPLANET consider to be very important and worthy of support. 

OceansAsia Foundation Website URL Partner
2022 - 2022
2500 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Well for Cambodia
Water Supply for an Entire Village

In 2013, water runner Fritz Kieninger ran over 750 km through Cambodia for 16 days to build 16 drinking water wells. In 2016, he then became the first person to run a distance of 900 km from Vietnam to Thailand in 18 days. This time with the aim of creating 18 new wells. Since then, the founder of KAKIHE and his team have built over 430 wells throughout Cambodia to give people access to clean drinking water. Well no. 365 is located in the village of Koas Takem in the commune of Trorpang Preas, Kam Pong Cham and was made possible by the SANUSPLANET Foundation. It is 35 meters deep and provides water for 199 families. The construction of a village well can be realized with an amount of 1,600€. KAKIHE is also committed to the education of children.

Trorpang Preas
2021 - 2021
1600 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Sea Turtles Need our Help
Protection Against Poaching of Endangered Species

Mayotte, a small island next to Madagascar that belongs to France, sees thousands of female turtles lay their eggs on land every year. For every 1,000 baby turtles that hatch, on average only one survives long enough to lay eggs. The babies get stuck in the garbage on the beach and are often eaten by stray dogs, cats or birds of prey. The light from the tourist buildings on the beach causes them to run in the wrong direction instead of crawling into the sea, or they are caught by poachers. But the female turtles are also poached as soon as they come ashore to lay their eggs. Slaughtered before they can lay their eggs means that the entire next generation is wiped out. The ASVM, a group of volunteers, many of whom are refugees from Africa, patrol the beaches of Mayotte night after night to protect the animals.

2021 - 2021
1500 Eur
Donation amount
For People
Emergency Aid for South Tyrol
Support in the Event of Misfortune, Accidents and Other Emergencies

In South Tyrol, too, there are strokes of fate that touch our hearts deeply. For this reason, we have decided to support a local organization with a contribution. Whether a stroke of fate, illness or accident, the association of different aid organizations has already been able to offer help in thousands of cases. The number of emergencies rose from 267 in 2019 to 336 in 2020. Since Südtirol hilft was founded many years ago, thousands of families and individuals have been supported in difficult situations. Südtirol hilft organizes several different fundraising campaigns every year, such as lotteries/Christmas lotteries, auctions and also cooperations with companies in order to be able to help in emergencies. The last Christmas campaign with transfers from donors and sponsors brought in over €800,000 in donations, helping more and more South Tyroleans through strokes of fate, accidents or other emergencies.

South Tyrol
Südtirol hilft Website URL Partner
2021 - 2021
5000 Eur
Donation amount
For the Ocean
Shark Conservation
Creating Alternatives Through Ecotourism

Over 100 million sharks die every year, often for their fins and meat, or they end up as bycatch in fishing nets. In Indonesia, too, many areas are already overfished and many fishermen are often left with shark fishing as their only source of income. Madison Stewart has set up Project HIU to offer an alternative source of income through ecotourism. She brings diving tourists to the village who accompany the fishermen to admire the sharks. This also teaches the fishermen to love these animals. She also teaches the children about the need for these animals in the sea and builds an understanding of the importance of sharks. Madison Stewart is also known as “Shark girl”. She dived with sharks as a teenager and was awarded the Australian Youth Conservationist of the Year Award in 2017.

2020 - 2020
4306 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Children Planting Trees
Reforestation For a Better World

Plant for the Planet involves more than 91,000 children and young people worldwide who are pursuing a great mission: to plant 1 trillion (1,000 billion) trees. In special academies, children can become ambassadors themselves and motivate others to plant trees. The initiator Felix Finkbeiner founded Plant for the Planet at the age of 9 and gave many lectures on the necessity of planting trees. Part of our donation was used to train further climate ambassadors. The other part of the donation helped to plant trees on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Every day, 20,000 new seedlings are planted there, which will become part of the more than 13.6 billion trees already planted. 1 trillion trees could bind a quarter of man-made CO2 emissions and generate prosperity in the Global South.

Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation Website URL Partner
2020 - 2020
5500 Eur
Donation amount
For Nature
Protecting the Rainforest
Supporting Indigenous Ecuadorian People

Acción Ecológica is an organization in Ecuador that has been committed to preserving and protecting the Amazon rainforest for many years. At the same time, the rights of the indigenous population, who suffer from the consequences of burning and deforestation in the Amazon, are also protected. The rainforest in Ecuador is cut down primarily for drilling for oil, but also for growing animal feed. Acciòn Ecològica is actively working on educational work, demonstrations and other projects to stop the rainforest from being cut down any further. During the first Corona lockdown, over 4,000 barrels of crude oil were released in one of the largest oil spills of our time, which contaminated several tributaries of the Amazon. 97,000 people were directly affected by this accident. That's why SANUSPLANET used our donation to help put together a commission for truth, justice and reparation. Our donation was used to fund legal assistance for the Commission

Acciòn Ecològica Website URL Partner
5000 Eur
Donation amount
For Animals
Rehab Center and Animal Protection
Rescuing Animals from Distressed Situations

The Animal Warriors Conservation Society is an NGO in India, saving hundreds of animals which are in great distress. Therefor a dedicated bird rehab center was created saving injured and sick birds. Training volunteers to be prepared for animal rescue from all kind of situations is a very big part of AWCS’s work. Leading a path to build a better society that can co-exist and conserve nature for the future is the big goal of AWCS. Another focus of this NGO is the protection of the marine environment by retrieving and recycling ghost nets from the ocean. Therefor the AWCS created a program involving dependent communities to mitigate plastic pollution, at the same time protecting the animals by doing so.

Animal Warriors Conservation Society Website URL Partner
2024 - 2024
1108 Eur
Donation amount